By this time tomorrow I will have completed my first triathalon. I'm totally doing this on a whim, but I think I'll enjoy it. It's a 500 meter swim, a 11.5 mile bike, and a 5K run. I'm not so worried about the bike or run, but the swim is where I'll be least prepared. At least that is the first leg of the TRI.
This week has been crazy with running and combining that with work and trying to be a good husband. We are in the middle of our professional and graduate staff training and that takes up a ton of the day and then it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare and then answer the day to day email load. I've had to work a lot longer (until 6p or 6:30p), and I've tried to really not come home and be distracted--which means no running after work. So...I've been up between 5a-5:30a every day this week (sans today) to try and slide in 8 miles before getting to work around 7:30a. All in all, I've been able to hit the mark for the week, but damn I'll be glad when it's September and I can have a more normal schedule.
Had a great month of running in July hitting 187.2 miles for the month. I'm now at 1210.4 for the year, which averages out to 172.9 miles run a month. In order to hit 2000 for the year I need to average 167/month. I'm really pleased with the progress so far. If all goes well this month, then I will eclipse last years running total by late August. Here's to trying.
I'll write more about the triathalon tomorrow when I finish. Wish me luck...
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A new adventure...
Hello. It's Sunday evening and I'm getting ready to hit the rack. Busy week ahead and I'm getting up early tomorrow to run (5 a.m.). I don't really like running at 5a
but I don't have much of a choice tomorrow. I think the difference between me and folks who do not run is that I'll get out of bed at 5a even when I don't want to. It does not make me any better (might make me dumber), but it does make me a runner--an identity I wholeheartedly embrace.
I am going to give a triathalon a shot next Sunday in downtown Indianapolis. I was looking through the race websites trying to find my next race, and I saw the ad for the triathalon. I've always wanted to do one and never have. Ive not swam for fitness in over two years and I've not been on my bike in over a year, but I"m going for it. Sometimes, you just have to go for it and see what you have. I figure with my running fitness coupled with my ability to swim and bike should help me. Even if I fail, at least I tried. I'm looking forward to it.
This week was a good running week as I hit 41 miles for the week. I ran a mile time trial yesterday on the IUPUI Track and hit 5:27 on a hot and humid morning. I hope by November I can put that under 5 minutes. I guess we shall see. Another week in the books and I'll hit 1200 miles for the year this week. Looking forward to a great week. Happy running to you...
but I don't have much of a choice tomorrow. I think the difference between me and folks who do not run is that I'll get out of bed at 5a even when I don't want to. It does not make me any better (might make me dumber), but it does make me a runner--an identity I wholeheartedly embrace.
I am going to give a triathalon a shot next Sunday in downtown Indianapolis. I was looking through the race websites trying to find my next race, and I saw the ad for the triathalon. I've always wanted to do one and never have. Ive not swam for fitness in over two years and I've not been on my bike in over a year, but I"m going for it. Sometimes, you just have to go for it and see what you have. I figure with my running fitness coupled with my ability to swim and bike should help me. Even if I fail, at least I tried. I'm looking forward to it.
This week was a good running week as I hit 41 miles for the week. I ran a mile time trial yesterday on the IUPUI Track and hit 5:27 on a hot and humid morning. I hope by November I can put that under 5 minutes. I guess we shall see. Another week in the books and I'll hit 1200 miles for the year this week. Looking forward to a great week. Happy running to you...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
An am track workout...
On Monday I decided to hit the track at 6a, which is new for me. Typically, I just run distances in the morning and I don't worry about speed. However, it's summer and it's hot and I'm busy, so running a fast track workout really is only realistic in the morning. On Monday, I was able to run a good 12 by 200 with a 200 meter jog in between each interval. It's a staple workout that my XC Coach (Coach Rowe) used to have us run. If I run this workout for the next 4-6 weeks, then my legs will be ready to really pop a fast 5K time soon. The workout went well and my fast 200s were faster than they've been in a long time. Good sign.
Running this week has been hard as training for our Professional & Graduate staff has started. Basically, if I'm going to run, it's going to have to be early. It's worth it, though. I'm blessed to work with an outstanding team and the folks I lead are all outstanding. They are looking to me for leadership and I have a duty to provide it well. So...if that means getting up at 5a to run, then so be it. At IUPUI HRL we are trying to be great--not good--great. So...all of us have to make some adjustments.
Had the chance to visit the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Ky today. What an AMAZING place. Ali was a true champion in the ring--but a bigger champion for racial equality and Social Justice. He simply made it his priority to refute racism--even when it meant he had to sit out three years from boxing. I admire him and just love that he was willing to sacrifice what he loved for a greater cause. I hope if I'm ever in a similar situation, I'd choose the right thing over running. The best boxer of all time gave up boxing to stop oppression and racial discrimination. That's just an amazing sacrifice. We all just be committed to making sure all non-violent people--no matter what--are valued, important, and respected.
Have an outstanding evening. If you are able...Go Run!
Running this week has been hard as training for our Professional & Graduate staff has started. Basically, if I'm going to run, it's going to have to be early. It's worth it, though. I'm blessed to work with an outstanding team and the folks I lead are all outstanding. They are looking to me for leadership and I have a duty to provide it well. So...if that means getting up at 5a to run, then so be it. At IUPUI HRL we are trying to be great--not good--great. So...all of us have to make some adjustments.
Had the chance to visit the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Ky today. What an AMAZING place. Ali was a true champion in the ring--but a bigger champion for racial equality and Social Justice. He simply made it his priority to refute racism--even when it meant he had to sit out three years from boxing. I admire him and just love that he was willing to sacrifice what he loved for a greater cause. I hope if I'm ever in a similar situation, I'd choose the right thing over running. The best boxer of all time gave up boxing to stop oppression and racial discrimination. That's just an amazing sacrifice. We all just be committed to making sure all non-violent people--no matter what--are valued, important, and respected.
Have an outstanding evening. If you are able...Go Run!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
20 Strait 40 mile weeks!

How do you like the socks I wore today? These are some socks that you wear like a glove. They actually fit over each toe and are quite comfortable. If you ever join the ultra running community, then you will see a lot of women and men wearing these because it helps reduce rubbing between toes--which helps prevent blisters. I'm a fan, but I only have one pair because they run about $10 a pop. Kind of expensive for a sock.
I've been talking about this for a few weeks now, and today I hit 20 strait weeks of running 40 miles or more. Over the past 20 weeks I have averaged 42.5 miles/week. That's pretty darn good. You may wonder why this is important or significant. might say to yourself, "Josh is off his rocker." But...their is a purpose (like most thinks I do) to this madness. When you run and try to race, then you have to put together your total level of running fitness in a couple stages. Stage one is always base building. Specifically, what you want to do is build a running base so that your body is used to hitting whatever mile point you want to hit on a consistent basis. I did not randomly pick 40-45 miles, but rather I know that once I run above that mark then I am more prone to injury and once I go below that mark I do not end up running to my full ability. Everyone's weekly mile total is different and dependent upon your body and the time you have for running. For the last two years I've not been able to train consistently as I've dealt with injuries (IT Band in 2008, IT Band for first part of 2009 and sprained ankle in fall of 2009). For the 2008 and 2009 about the best I could do was about 10 weeks of consistent base building. Ultimately, I never reached the point where my legs were strong and had enough miles in them to really start heading into the second phase: race specific training. After you build up a nice base, what you want to do is work on getting faster for the races that you'd like to run. For me this fall, I've decided to focus on the 5K and 10K and possibly complete in a half-marathon. However, my main focus will be on running very quick 200s and 400s on the track and also some mile repeats (all out miles with a little rest in between). Now that I have a good base built up, I should be able to really lower my times.
At the beginning of this year I set a goal to try and run really well at the 5K distance, 10K distance, and the Half-Marathon distance. In my first crack at the half-marathon I did not run well. But...I feel like I have a shot this fall. The last two races I've run I have actually won, and I ran a 5K about a month ago that was good. My next race will be on 7/31--a 5K at Fort Ben here in Indy. Goals for the fall: 5K in 16:30; 10K in 34:55, Half-Marathon in 1:15:50. We shall see.
Have a great Sunday. My yearly total after today has hit 1131.6. To put that in perspective, I only ran 1130 miles in 2008 and only hit 1365 last year. So...if I stay healthy I should really be able to hit my 2000 mile goal for the year. Happy running to you...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Running with other runners...
Today I had the good fortune to be able to run about 6 miles with one of our staff members from Park Place, Kevin. He met me about 7:30a in the Park Place parking lot and we headed out for a nice run. In total, I ended up hitting about 10.75 miles today (4.75 before running w/ Kevin and 6 with Kevin).
I often get asked if I like running with others. My answer is always yes, but I have to distinguish between "running with others." When I run with others it's all about the two (or however many) of us running at a pace that's comfortable for everyone so that we can run together, chat, and just enjoy hitting the pavement with our feet and moving forward. Generally, I don't like to race my running partners or folks that I run with (unless it's a race). Quite simply, I use the days I am able to run with others as a nice treat--it's easier to run when you have someone to run with. Even if my daily pace is quicker or vice versa, I use the days I run alone to run fast or hard and I use the days I run with others to enjoy their company. So...if you are reading this and you live close to me, then you have an open invite to run with me for however long you want to run.
Now...the other part of "running with others." I was running one day earlier this week and as I was about a mile from home this guy passed me. Now...this caught me by surprise because generally I do not get passed because it's rare I see anyone out that early and if you do you really have to be close in order to actually pass someone. In my mind I'm thinking, "Josh, it's no big deal...he's just running a fast workout." But...the little competitive guy on my left shoulder was saying, "wth (what the heck) Josh you cannot let this happen." So...I very quickly increased my pace and ran right behind him. Sensing me behind him, the guy surged. Neither of us gave an inch for about 3/4 of a mile--at which we hit a fork in the road and my side of the fork took me home and his...? Needless to say, it was funny. Here are two shirtless guys who don't know each other racing down the Indianapolis Canal at 6:30a on a random weekday. that regard I don't like "running with others." I'm too darn competitive and I just could not let the guy paste me like that. Anyway...kind of a funny story. (see picture of me racing cause this is what it was like minus the singlet)
Well...have a great Saturday. I've run, planted some more flowers on our patio, and now I'm headed over to my office to work on some fall training stuff. Happy running folks.
I often get asked if I like running with others. My answer is always yes, but I have to distinguish between "running with others." When I run with others it's all about the two (or however many) of us running at a pace that's comfortable for everyone so that we can run together, chat, and just enjoy hitting the pavement with our feet and moving forward. Generally, I don't like to race my running partners or folks that I run with (unless it's a race). Quite simply, I use the days I am able to run with others as a nice treat--it's easier to run when you have someone to run with. Even if my daily pace is quicker or vice versa, I use the days I run alone to run fast or hard and I use the days I run with others to enjoy their company. So...if you are reading this and you live close to me, then you have an open invite to run with me for however long you want to run.
Now...the other part of "running with others." I was running one day earlier this week and as I was about a mile from home this guy passed me. Now...this caught me by surprise because generally I do not get passed because it's rare I see anyone out that early and if you do you really have to be close in order to actually pass someone. In my mind I'm thinking, "Josh, it's no big deal...he's just running a fast workout." But...the little competitive guy on my left shoulder was saying, "wth (what the heck) Josh you cannot let this happen." So...I very quickly increased my pace and ran right behind him. Sensing me behind him, the guy surged. Neither of us gave an inch for about 3/4 of a mile--at which we hit a fork in the road and my side of the fork took me home and his...? Needless to say, it was funny. Here are two shirtless guys who don't know each other racing down the Indianapolis Canal at 6:30a on a random weekday. that regard I don't like "running with others." I'm too darn competitive and I just could not let the guy paste me like that. Anyway...kind of a funny story. (see picture of me racing cause this is what it was like minus the singlet)
Well...have a great Saturday. I've run, planted some more flowers on our patio, and now I'm headed over to my office to work on some fall training stuff. Happy running folks.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Big Running Presentation Tomorrow...
I'm off to a good week of running. I ran 8 miles on Monday, 6.75 on Tuesday, and about 7.8 today. I'm probably going to take tomorrow off and then hit 12 miles on Saturday and 8 miles or so on Sunday. It's been so darn hot here this week so I've been running at 6a. That's a tough time of the day, but with my new job it's tough to get a run in if I wait until after 5p. It's a choice really. Stay up and watch TV until 11p or 12a or run at 6a. I choose running. Sorry Letterman.
I have an opportunity to talk to about 20-25 people tomorrow from the IUPUI Staff Council about starting a Walk Jog Run Club. I am pretty excited about it as I really enjoy helping people being able to walk, jog, or run. Great thing about it is that I get to share my passion and also probably help some folks get started with an exercise program. What I'm really going to emphasize tomorrow is just the concept of MOVEMENT. What it all boils down to is being able to just put one foot in front of the other for 30 minutes or so 3-5 times a week. If we all did just that, then people would be surprised at how fit they'd be. Usually, I get people hooked in with my credentials and then I seal the deal by presenting an easy plan. If I can just get 5/20 of them to try it for a month or so then I think they will be hooked.
Well...have a great Friday, folks. For me, it's going to be a working weekend, but I know I'll also get 20 miles or so of running in so that'll be nice too. Happy running to you...
I have an opportunity to talk to about 20-25 people tomorrow from the IUPUI Staff Council about starting a Walk Jog Run Club. I am pretty excited about it as I really enjoy helping people being able to walk, jog, or run. Great thing about it is that I get to share my passion and also probably help some folks get started with an exercise program. What I'm really going to emphasize tomorrow is just the concept of MOVEMENT. What it all boils down to is being able to just put one foot in front of the other for 30 minutes or so 3-5 times a week. If we all did just that, then people would be surprised at how fit they'd be. Usually, I get people hooked in with my credentials and then I seal the deal by presenting an easy plan. If I can just get 5/20 of them to try it for a month or so then I think they will be hooked.
Well...have a great Friday, folks. For me, it's going to be a working weekend, but I know I'll also get 20 miles or so of running in so that'll be nice too. Happy running to you...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Songs on the run...
Good morning. I really enjoyed my long run this morning. I ran for 12.25 miles from downtown up to Butler University and then back downtown. It was cool outside
(70s) and it was nice to get out there before it warms up. I have not run my long run in a couple weeks so it was good to get back out and return to normalcy. Typically in a given week I will run three days at an easy/medium pace for 8 miles, one day with a hard speed workout for a total of 8 miles, and then one long run of 10-15 miles. This formula has really worked for me and the two days off a week allow my body to heal and still hit the 40 mile/week goal. Next week I go for 20 strait 40+ mile weeks.
I do not often listen to my iPod when I run because I do a lot of thinking/processing when I run. The music can sometimes prevent me from really being able to clear my head. Sometimes, though, I do like to run and listen to music. Being a huge Coldplay fan (picture above is of Sarah and I at Coldplay concert in LA), I do love to listen to some Coldplay on the run. In this blog I thought I'd give you my best running playlist of the moment. Here goes:
Empire State: Jay Z
Eye of the Tiger: Survivor
Lose Yourself: Eminem
Not Afraid: Eminem
Run This Town: Jay Z, Rianna, Kayne
Viva La Vida: Coldplay
Stawberry Swing: Coldplay
Lovers in Japan: Coldplay
Taking the Long Way: Dixie Chicks
Homecoming: Kayne & Chris Martin
Superstar: Lupe Fiasco
Fix You: Coldplay
Life in Technicolor II: Coldplay
I Gotta Feeling: Black Eyed Peas
Paper Planes: MIA
If I Can't: 50 Cent
If you can download these and put them in a playlist for your run then you'll enjoy. Music is interesting and it's tough to guarantee you'll like it, but give it a shot. Have a great week and happy running...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Dog-gone it...
I'm cursed with dogs. That is all there is too it. Cursed. Many people know that last December I was out running and two dogs chased after me, I sped up to try and get away, fell, and cut up my knee and elbow pretty badly. I lost a couple weeks of training. I was glad they did not bite me, but angry about an owner not putting their dogs on their leash. I've not run the same route in the morning since December. This morning, I ran the route and again some jerk is walking two very large dogs without a leash. It just hacks me off. I love dogs and I want Sarah and I to get a dog, but people have to understand that their loving dog is capable of not being so loving to a runner. I know that I sound like a crazy old man saying this, but I have a nasty looking scar on my knee to prove why I'm so sensitive about it. Anyway, I did have a nice run and I avoided another incident.
But...the story does not end there. Sarah and I moved down to the Canal in Indy last weekend. Our neighbor has 3 dogs (she's only supposed to have one). Now...I don't really care that she has three dogs, but they are OUT OF CONTROL. They poop on our patio, jump the boundaries we set up, bark at EVERY passing dog, and mess up our patio area. In all honesty, I don't blame the dogs, but rather their stupid (insert your favorite word) owner. She does not care. She doesn't pick up their poop. She has not even offered to replace what they destroyed. She's so clueless. We are going to give it a couple days and then we are thinking of turning her in. I hate to do that because I don't want to have a bad relationship with our new neighbor. But...this is just nuts. I don't think I've ever met a more thoughtless neighbor than this person. have to put that in perspective. I lived and worked in Residence Hall on college campuses every year since graduating college with the exception of one year and then recently. The college students we've lived beside have been more considerate than the lady next door. I'm serious.
Anyway, this has little to do with running I guess, but I just need to vent. I had a nice 7.25 run this morning despite the crazy dogs on the trail and our wacked out neighbor. Happy running...
But...the story does not end there. Sarah and I moved down to the Canal in Indy last weekend. Our neighbor has 3 dogs (she's only supposed to have one). Now...I don't really care that she has three dogs, but they are OUT OF CONTROL. They poop on our patio, jump the boundaries we set up, bark at EVERY passing dog, and mess up our patio area. In all honesty, I don't blame the dogs, but rather their stupid (insert your favorite word) owner. She does not care. She doesn't pick up their poop. She has not even offered to replace what they destroyed. She's so clueless. We are going to give it a couple days and then we are thinking of turning her in. I hate to do that because I don't want to have a bad relationship with our new neighbor. But...this is just nuts. I don't think I've ever met a more thoughtless neighbor than this person. have to put that in perspective. I lived and worked in Residence Hall on college campuses every year since graduating college with the exception of one year and then recently. The college students we've lived beside have been more considerate than the lady next door. I'm serious.
Anyway, this has little to do with running I guess, but I just need to vent. I had a nice 7.25 run this morning despite the crazy dogs on the trail and our wacked out neighbor. Happy running...
Monday, July 5, 2010
A dip in the pool...
Hello. Short blog post today. We had the day off from work as IUPUI celebrated the July 4 holiday on July 5. So...our timely planned move was granted a fourth day. I'm proud to say we have moved everything but our pictures and now we have to clean the old place. We are pleased with our new place and had a nice Fourth of July BBQ last night.
I ran today around 4:30p after moving all day. Today was the fourth day of moving and the fifth day in a row I've run. My legs were trashed yesterday and today it felt worse. Not worse in an injury sort of way, but worse in a sore kind of way. Never-the-less I went out and massaged my legs with a 7.25 mile trek in 90 degree heat. About half-way threw my run I decided I'd earned a dip in the pool after the run. So...I ran strait to the pool in our complex, took off my shoes and socks, and just jumped in. It felt so darn good. I'm not sure if the answer to the question "should I run today" was yes or no, but I went with yes. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention that when your legs feel like they are filled with rocks, then it's probably better to answer the question with a no. Then again, "no" is kind of a hard thing for a runner to say because the ability to say "yes" on most days is what sets aparts runners from non-runners. Learning the word "no" to the question of "should I run" is a very slippery slope. Although, sometimes "no" is the right answer. Perhaps...I'm just talking in circles.
All in all it was a great weekend despite moving. A great week lies ahead with work. Happy running...
I ran today around 4:30p after moving all day. Today was the fourth day of moving and the fifth day in a row I've run. My legs were trashed yesterday and today it felt worse. Not worse in an injury sort of way, but worse in a sore kind of way. Never-the-less I went out and massaged my legs with a 7.25 mile trek in 90 degree heat. About half-way threw my run I decided I'd earned a dip in the pool after the run. So...I ran strait to the pool in our complex, took off my shoes and socks, and just jumped in. It felt so darn good. I'm not sure if the answer to the question "should I run today" was yes or no, but I went with yes. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention that when your legs feel like they are filled with rocks, then it's probably better to answer the question with a no. Then again, "no" is kind of a hard thing for a runner to say because the ability to say "yes" on most days is what sets aparts runners from non-runners. Learning the word "no" to the question of "should I run" is a very slippery slope. Although, sometimes "no" is the right answer. Perhaps...I'm just talking in circles.
All in all it was a great weekend despite moving. A great week lies ahead with work. Happy running...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Fourth of July...
Hello. It's been a week since my last blog entry. I apologize. The first part of the week I was in Austin, Tx for the ACUHO-I Conference and then Sarah and I have been moving all weekend. It's been a very busy week, but now I'm ready to relax, blog a little bit, cookout later with Sarah & Jonathan (my brother), and then have a few beers.
Over a stretch of years in the 1990s (1994-1998) I typically ran a race every Fourth of July. My best race was the 1998 Sebring 5K (in Sebring, Ky) when I ran a 16:24. Actually, the first road race I ever ran was in 1994 with Seth Woodward in Nashville, Tn. I shot out of the gate really fast and died the last two miles. That was my first real lesson on pacing. Seth blew me away that day. My friend Luke (Seth's brother) and their mom, Pam, also went to the race. We had a great time and my ego healed quickly after the race. If I had to pinpoint the start to my road racing career, it would definitely be on 7/4/1994. I think it's fitting that the Woodwards (some of the finest people I know) were the ones that introduced me to road racing. At the time, Seth was one heck of a runner and Luke (a very good friend) was probably the best tennis player in Kentucky during that time. It's nice to sit here on this Sunday afternoon and remember that day. It's funny what you remember and what can elicit an old--but good--memory.
I did run today for about 6.25 miles at 6:30a. For the week I hit 41 miles and that brings my yearly total to 1049.25. Next week I go for my 19th strait 40 mile week. This week has been an interesting running week. It began in Austin while I was at the conference. I ran along the Lady Bird Lake trail downtown. It's an amazing 10 mile trail that is on soft red dirt and some concrete and asphalt every now and then. Last Monday there was a 5K that was part of the conference. Funny story about that. I was in the lead early on and did not know where the turn around was located. The person stationed at the turnaround missed me and many other runners. Turns out we ended up running a 4.5 mile race instead of the 3.1 miles that make up a 5K. For what it's worth, I did defend my ACUHO-I 5K title despite the hiccup. That's back to back ACUHO-I 5K wins. Next year I hope to make it a three-peat (ala the Lakers and Bulls) in New Orleans. If you happen to visit Austin, then you must run on the Lady Bird Lake trail. It's fantastic. Overall, it was a challenging week to hit 40 miles. I got up on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 6a so that I could run before moving. My legs are shot and I'm glad that I did not decide to race today because it would have been rough.
Sarah and I moved to a really cool location in downtown Indianapolis. We live right on the canal and it's nice. I planted some flowers, did some mulching, and we added some furniture for our cookout tonight. See pictures below. Have a great 4th. It's good to be back. Happy Running.

Over a stretch of years in the 1990s (1994-1998) I typically ran a race every Fourth of July. My best race was the 1998 Sebring 5K (in Sebring, Ky) when I ran a 16:24. Actually, the first road race I ever ran was in 1994 with Seth Woodward in Nashville, Tn. I shot out of the gate really fast and died the last two miles. That was my first real lesson on pacing. Seth blew me away that day. My friend Luke (Seth's brother) and their mom, Pam, also went to the race. We had a great time and my ego healed quickly after the race. If I had to pinpoint the start to my road racing career, it would definitely be on 7/4/1994. I think it's fitting that the Woodwards (some of the finest people I know) were the ones that introduced me to road racing. At the time, Seth was one heck of a runner and Luke (a very good friend) was probably the best tennis player in Kentucky during that time. It's nice to sit here on this Sunday afternoon and remember that day. It's funny what you remember and what can elicit an old--but good--memory.
I did run today for about 6.25 miles at 6:30a. For the week I hit 41 miles and that brings my yearly total to 1049.25. Next week I go for my 19th strait 40 mile week. This week has been an interesting running week. It began in Austin while I was at the conference. I ran along the Lady Bird Lake trail downtown. It's an amazing 10 mile trail that is on soft red dirt and some concrete and asphalt every now and then. Last Monday there was a 5K that was part of the conference. Funny story about that. I was in the lead early on and did not know where the turn around was located. The person stationed at the turnaround missed me and many other runners. Turns out we ended up running a 4.5 mile race instead of the 3.1 miles that make up a 5K. For what it's worth, I did defend my ACUHO-I 5K title despite the hiccup. That's back to back ACUHO-I 5K wins. Next year I hope to make it a three-peat (ala the Lakers and Bulls) in New Orleans. If you happen to visit Austin, then you must run on the Lady Bird Lake trail. It's fantastic. Overall, it was a challenging week to hit 40 miles. I got up on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 6a so that I could run before moving. My legs are shot and I'm glad that I did not decide to race today because it would have been rough.
Sarah and I moved to a really cool location in downtown Indianapolis. We live right on the canal and it's nice. I planted some flowers, did some mulching, and we added some furniture for our cookout tonight. See pictures below. Have a great 4th. It's good to be back. Happy Running.

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