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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Good morning!  Hope that your weekend is off to a great start.  I got up about 5:30a this morning and ran 12 miles before the heat could get me.  It's now sunny and heating up so I'm glad I ran early.  Today is going to be fantastic day because Sarah returns  from Milwaukee where's she been completing an away rotation at the Medical College of Wisconsin.  We have missed her immensely.  Sarah and I spend nearly every evening and weekend together and I love it because it keeps us close, interested in the same things, and we have fun.  Sarah is my greatest advocate, support, and she's always willing to give me her honest opinion.  While I did get to see her a couple of times in July it will be so nice to have her home.  Myles has missed her too.  He sleeps on her pillow, smells her clothes, and looks for her.  It's so cute.  Myles and I definitely have missed our Sarah.

Myles telling me that he loves his Momma

Today marks the end of my running efforts for July.  It was a great month of training.  Here are the stats:

Miles Run:  224.7
Days Run:  24
# of 10+ Mile Runs:  15

I have run 439.4 miles combined for June and July and I've completed 32 ten plus mile runs.  I've been really trying to build my base and my ability to run double digit miles.  In August and September we will start working on the speed part.  If you recall, I talked about my goal of trying to run my fastest marathon ever and trying to hit 2:39 or better.  Step one was building the base.  Step two is improving the pace while maintaining the base.  Step three (October) is sharpening and preparing my body for 11/5/2011.  So far the plan is coming together nicely.  I will say, though, that part two will be very, very challenging as improving one's pace is tough work.

Have a great weekend. If you are looking for a great movie try Saint Ralph, a movie about a 14 year old boy who tries to win the Boston Marathon for his mother who is ill.  Amazing movie.  My Mother-In-Law recommended it and it was fantastic.  This is my last weekend before three consecutive weeks of working every single day with Student Staff Training and August Move-In.  August is the busiest time of the year for me so it should be fast paced, fun, and I'm looking forward to putting together the rest of the 2011-12 Res Life Staff Team!  IUPUI HRL!  Happy running to you...

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