Good Morning! You ever wake up excited for the day and then something happens and your like, "well dang?" That happened to me today. And...I'm not going to let it ruin my day. But...I have a little message.
Dear Mum Thiefs,
Really? You decided to perfectly extract my beautiful Mums from my patio in the middle of the night? Really? I loved those Mums! Three weeks ago--after a long August and after Sarah left for Atlanta--I went to Lowes to buy some fall flowers for my patio. I like for it to look nice and I enjoy growing plants and flowers. I bought these Mums when they had no blooms and I was diligent about watering them and taking care of them each day. You see, Mums--as my Dad told me--need lots of water. And...I watered them, cared for them, and they returned the favor with beautiful deep red blooms. Yesterday, they looked as good as they have all fall. And...Myles looked out the window all day admiring them and the passers by. Last night before I went to bed I was thinking about how proud I'd be to show Sarah the Mums when she comes to visit in a couple weeks. They really looked good.
Mums On Saturday Morning |
And stole them. Perfectly, I might add. You extracted them and I'm sure that made a small mess. However, you clearly cleaned up after yourself because there was no soil on the ground when you left. You also had to be on the patio because you could not have removed them from the sidewalk that sits well below where the Mums sit. That's just creepy. And that makes wonder who it could be? Clearly, whoever took them wanted them because if you were just being mean then you would have ripped them out and tossed them on the ground. Also, you'd have to live nearby as it would be difficult just to take them out and carry them down the canal. cleaned up which means you did not want me to know which direction you went. There are only a couple options of who it could be. Could it be a neighbor with the open house one street over? Or...could it be a neighbor who is not a fan of me? I guess I won't know and really what's the point. I'd have given them to you if you really just had to have them.
Mums Gone. No evidence left behind. :-( |
I'm going to miss those Mums. I'm going to miss looking at them. Myles is going to miss them. Sarah isn't even going to get to see them. Bummer. Bummer. Bummer. But...I'm going to the Colts game today and they are going to win. Georgia and Indiana won yesterday. enjoy my Mums and I'll just go have a good day.
All in all it was a great week of running as I hit 58.25 miles this week. I've now run 1410 miles for 2011. Have a great week, may no one steal your Mums, and happy running to you...
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