Good morning! If you know me, then you know I don't do the status quo very well. I'm not content on just staying in the same place or just being. Good or bad, I don't know, but I am a handful to deal with when I'm not going after something or trying to improve--especially when it relates to running. I'm always thankful for the ability I've been given to run, but I'm also motivated by setting running goals that challenge me. I sit here on this rainy morning in November, I'm looking for the next thing to challenge me.
This morning I could not help but look at 50K (31 mile) and 50 mile trail ultra marathon races. The distance is crazy (at least for me) and most people would think I was nuts to try it (which is even more motivating to me). You see, the great thing about an ultra marathon is that it's a crazy long distance, and generally you have to run a bit slower to finish it. And...if my major injuries have come from trying to run the marathon too quickly, then being forced to slow down in order to succeed at the ultra marathon distance just might be perfect for me. It's also something I've never done before, which would be inherently motivating to me. The winter is approaching quickly and it's tough to train in the winter, but maybe it's not such a bad idea. I will have the most control over the first half of the year in terms of being able to train for a race so maybe I'll try for a March or April 50K or 50 miler. We shall see. I've also been flirting with the idea of an April Half-Marathon in Kentucky or on the north side of Indianapolis. For me, I'll need to put some thought into it.
As I approach the end of the year I cannot help but be reflective on 2011. It's been a year in which I'll say that I'm thankful for the four points of balance I have in my life (family, running, sports, work). I've really needed balance in order to feel good about the year. I want to talk a little bit here about difficult situations. At some point in our lives we all face difficult situations--sometimes that put us in a no win position. If there is one thing I've learned over the years--and this year especially--it's that a positive approach to life and to work pays out ten times more than a negative approach. Adopting a positive attitude and a strong work ethic for life is the best strategy we have. Good things and bad things will occur, but it's how you respond to both that will ultimately define your life. One has to "stick to the fight when they are hardest hit" in order to gain what they would like to achieve. This is something that running teaches me daily. So...if you are having a great go of it currently then keep positive and working hard, and if you are struggling do the same. Hard work, transparency, and ethical behavior always win in the long run. You may lose out on the short run, but those three things always win out long term. Always.
Have a wonderful week and I appreciate you reading my thoughts. If you'd like to give your opinion on my next running endeavor, then please do. Happy running to you...
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