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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another week in the books...

Had an outstanding long run this morning of 11 miles. I left early (around 7:50a)because it's going to be so hot today. Also, Sarah is taking her boards on Tuesday so she was taking a practice test and it was a good time for both of us for me to go for a long run. Just a couple of thoughts for the week:

One: Sarah. Please send your positive thoughts Sarah's way this week. She takes an 8 hour exam on Tuesday. The Boards are serious stuff. At the end of your first two years of medical school they make you take this crazy national exam to make sure you are ready for your rotations. Sarah has been studying 10-12 hours/day for the past three weeks. Basically, if she's not sleeping, eating, or watching LOST, then she's been studying. I'm very proud of her. So far, she's been an absolute star in Med School. If you think I'm good at what I do (running & housing/residence life) then multiply that times 100 and that's how good Sarah has been. It's amazing.

Two: I ran 43.7 miles this week and really felt good. I also finished the book Born to Run this week and I must strongly suggest you pick up a copy if you have not already done so. It's a fantastic read--even if you are not a runner. What I most identify with is the concept that most of us are designed to run. He makes the point in the book that in what other sport can you find a 60 year old that can run as fast as a 19 year old? It's true, I ran a 17:17 yesterday in a 5K and I bet I can run that sort of time until I'm in my late 50s to early 60s. I bet I run a sub 16 5K in the next year or so because my legs can still do that, but it's amazing to think that I will still be able to run a 5K and average about 5:35/mile in my late 50s. So...even if you have never run a step, you could start slowly running and run faster than you would ever think possible. It's true and you can quote me on that.

Have a great day. Look for my month of May wrap-up tomorrow with all my May stats and stats for the year. Happy running...

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