Good morning! Do not have time to write much this morning after my run, but I wanted to write something short as to not miss the moment. In this blog there will be many days when I talk about how great running feels or how great I just felt on a run. Today...was NOT one of those days.
There are times when you run and it seems every step takes an act of God and every step hurts. It's like you never get into rhythm. This morning was one of those for me. I got up at 6a to run a quick 8 miler before work. I put on a jacket in case it rained (it looked ominous out side), but as I got into my run I was too warm. I just felt over-heated the whole time. In running, it's better to be cooler than hotter. Anyway, my legs felt like junk, I felt like I was running in a sauna, and I trudged through to the end. So...even me--who loves running--has days when you just feel like crap.
With that's on days like today--when you don't feel good--that the fabric that makes you up is tested and if you pass that fabric strengthens. You see, it's easy to run when you feel great, but it's very difficult to run when you feel bad. It's when you feel bad, that you sometimes can experience the greatest growth as a runner--especially mentally. One word of caution...if you have several days in a row of feeling this way then you probably need a couple days off. Having one bad run or a couple bad runs is one thing. When it starts to become chronic, then you know it's time for a break. That's your body saying in the words of Vanilla Ice, "stop, collaborate, and listen..." Have an outstanding day...
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