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Friday, February 11, 2011

Taking time for moi...

Happy Friday afternoon to you.  This afternoon I do something I rarely do.  I went home early from work.  There are two people to thank for this:  My wife, Sarah, and my co-worker and friend, Dee Dee.  I have been working a great deal lately and to be honest it is starting to get in the way of my outside work time--less time with Sarah and less time running. I left at 3p.  It was weird, but nice.

I had a great run this afternoon.  It was in the 20s and the 20s felt so much better than when it was 5 degrees.  The ice is still on the ground in spots so I had to watch my footing, but all in all it was a fantastic run.  The sun was out, my legs felt fresh (and they should since I've not used them in two days), and the music was pumping.  Speaking of music, I hate to admit it but I love that song, Firework by Katy Perry.  I have to confess it started playing at the end of my run and I just danced in the parking lot next to where we lived and sprinted around laughing and jumping.  It felt GREAT!  And...I know I looked silly and strange, but I love the song and love the message of the song.  I know it makes me cheesy and a dork, but loving that song and it's message is also what makes  Anyway, I'm one happy camper right now. 

Life is good and I'm looking forward to my evening with Sarah & Myles and possibly a couple bottles of Fat Tire--tied for best beer in the world with Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.  Have a great evening and happy running to you...

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