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Saturday, April 2, 2011

I've got the bug...

Good morning!  Wow.  April Fools Day was yesterday and let me tell you I got pranked!  It was pretty funny indeed.  I'm probably the biggest IU Basketball Fan in the world, and I was definitely the biggest IU Hoops fan growing up in Kentucky.  Imagine my surprise when my office was COMPLETELY changed into an office only a UK fan could love.  Pretty darn funny.  I love my staff.  They went all out for this prank and it made me feel good.  I love a good prank from time to time and I surely give it as good as I get it.  See the video for the full effect.  Good luck to UK and Butler today!

I've been thinking a lot lately about my running and what I want to do next.  About a month ago I mentioned trying to run a sub 5 mile and a sub 17 minute 5K.  While those are great goals and I know I can get them, those goals are not motivating me.  I've been stuck in this rut of just running without a purpose.  That's just not me.  I run best when I have a tangible goal in sight that has some accountability.  For example, signing up for a race helps hold you accountable because you have to train for it and you've made a financial commitment.  The other thing about me as a runner and as a person is that I like to do the extreme or most difficult thing.  I love challenge.  So...running a fast 5K, while great, is not extreme enough for my personal satisfaction of reaching a goal.  You know what is?  The Marathon!  I've run four and my injury issues with the marathon are well documented in this blog.  But...I've got the bug again.  I need a nice running challenge to really train for, sweat for, prepare for, and look forward to.  I talked to Sarah this morning and she was in agreement that I could train for the Indianapolis Marathon on October 15.  Honestly, I need a goal that is difficult, hard, and where there is a chance you don't make it.  The Marathon meets all of those requirements:  Great risk, very tough, big time reward.  I'm almost sure this will be what I'll be training for over the next six months.

For those who know me and know of my running issues with the marathon then you are probably concerned.  Heck, I am too.  Passing out,Shin splints, foot issues, IT Band Syndrome, and Piraformis pain are all injuries I've suffered in my marathons.  Yet, I've learned from every issue.  This time around, I believe if I continue to pay attention to my core, stretch out my calves, and use arch aids for my feet, then I can do this.  My first thoughts on training are 4-5 days a week of running with runs of 6-8 miles three days a week and runs of 18-24 miles one day a week.  On off days, I'll really work my core and upper body.  I believe that this just may work. 

I've been so restless of late--like I'm just never satisfied and that usually means something is out of balance.  When I focus in too much on one or two areas of my life and ignore other parts, then I tend to lose perspective in all areas.  What running has done for me historically, has been to give me a part of my life that's just me and it serves to balance out other parts of my life.  Having a very clear running goal provides me with something that I can focus on, control, and completely be responsible for the outcome--and in an environment where it's not related to work or IU Hoops.  I need that and I think it's about time just to go for it.  I'm going to think it over for a few days, but I"m pretty sure this is the way I'm headed. 

Have a fantastic Saturday.  May the team you are rooting for win.  Happy running to you.

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